Weigh of Showing

Weigh of Showing is an Interesting article that shows readers a research paper doesn’t have to be the typical ten-pages. Jenna Freedman writes in the form of a ‘zine’, so it is written to look like a magazine. She does this to drive in the point that there are different ways to show knowledge than by writing a research paper. Jenna focuses on the readers attention to the interactivity of having feelings and how the same old ways of learning, and teaching do not benefit the complex lives of humans. People are different and have much going on in their lives. The formulaic teaching process is shown through Jenna’s life growing up. This shows readers how often she would have to read about ” A lot of white guys, some of them dead” (pg. 2) and how dry it is to learn about them. It also shows how her personal experiences helped her learn differently from others. For example she mentions how one of her most memorable things she learned came from acting. It taught her about emotional intelligence, specifically how to pay attention to what was in front of her and to answer questions when being asked. Jenna doesn’t really answer much in this paper but she questions what it means to learn and teach and leaves it open for discussion.

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