Greenspring Review Redesign

Site 1-




  1. The what’s new category is a great way to show off events about to happen and get people involved.


  1. The submissions tab is very well organized and the site explains exactly what they are looking for


  1. The tabs are split into good sections and are easily accessible at any time since they do not leave the screen even if click you click one of them


  1. I like the art that is displayed at the top of the home page. It is a great way to get a feel for the site and sets the tone for things that people will read on this site


  1. I like the aspect of being able to share something from the site using the share buttons towards the bottom of the pages. It is easy to do as the buttons are easy to find.


Could use improvement


  1. The color scheme doesn’t match and is very desaturated. For an art blog, I was expecting some bright colors and there are lots of grey and subtle colors to display titles.


  1. The placing of the advertisements made the site seem tacky. There were 3 ads right next to each other all with different size boxes and it did not help the look of the site


  1. The Facebook page and all the videos I think should be moved towards the bottom of the page or all be in one area together. It stays on every page and gets annoying to see every time you change to a new page


  1. The background pattern is distracting. It isn’t adding anything to the site and takes away from the actual content.


  1. There is a lot of white space around the site especially towards the bottom of the page. I feel like it could be better used and display more content.


Site 2-





  1. The title and logo are easy to read and provide a great overview of what the site is about. It explains all anyone needs to know about the site


  1. I enjoy all the pictures around the site. They add color to pages and all fit within the theme of the site. It creates some good visuals to work with the content.


  1. I like the transition from the top of the home page to the rest of the information on the site. It flows very well and is smooth.


  1. I think the font is effective at being playful enough while not being distracting. It gets away from the fonts that are used over and over again which is a nice change of pace


  1. The issues tab has a drop-down menu that lets you easily pick the category of literature or art an individual wants to look at or read.


Could use improvement


  1. There is way too much white space. The pictures should be bigger and the stories should be centered if there isn’t going to be anything on the sides of the page


  1. The advertisements were getting in the way of content and distracting me which should not happen. There is so much extra space for the advertisements to go so that they don’t interfere with the content.


  1. I don’t like how when you click on a page the header at the top shows half the logo and almost all of the word review. Each of those things needs to fit within the header space or it needs to be changed


  1. There really isn’t a color scheme. I thought that with green from the logo that some titles would also be green to match and that isn’t the case. It would provide more site unity if the same colors flowed throughout the site


  1. The issue titles need to be larger. They are so close in size to the titles of the pieces and there is no reason for that. They should be larger to help me know the type of pieces in the section


Site 3-




  1. I think the logo does a great job of portraying what the site is about in addition to the title. They work very well together and give some visual to what is on this site.


  1. The color scheme is effective. It is not too flashy but creates a unity of the site by using the green, black, and gray together.


  1. The organization is effective. Everything on the submission page was bulleted properly and all in the same row which made it easy to follow as you scroll down.


  1. The navigation bar is bolded which makes it easy to find at all times. It stays in the same spot so people can return or change pages with ease.


  1. This site gets to the point quickly and clearly. When you click on a topic it provides the most relevant information in an organized fashion


Could use improvement


  1. The book background is very distracting and I think the site has enough as it is to not have to use the books as a background.
  2. The navigation bar could use a bar underneath the words to separate it from the next title or picture. It would just be a divider that would break up the site more clearly.
  3. The contact information for the site should be moved to the bottom of the page. I was looking for it and expected it to be at the bottom. It seems out of place being on the side of a page.
  4. The event countdown portion needs to stand out more. It just blended into the site for me and it should stand out because you want everyone to see it and know what it is.
  5. The site could use a few more pictures to make it flow better. It doesn’t have to be every page but some pictures of featured work or just of the school could add some quality life to the site.



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