Greenspring Post Proposal Recommendations

Group Members: Brittany Whitley, Liam Walsh, Aaron Murray

We liked Greenspring Review Redesign #1, but we would suggest the changes of a few things:

  • The font color on the home page header is a light grey and we feel the color should be darker and/or more defined of a color to stand out.
  • With the new logo/title images, there is a lot of grey space in the box and would like to see the image logo/title larger to fill up that space more.
  • Expanding the top navigation bar to spread across the entire page rather than just half the page by either adding more options or making the font larger.
  • We really liked the books in the background, but we wanted to fade the books out or create a more transparent effect to take some of the attention off of the books and to the work in the main middle.
  • Adding a LinkedIn and Instagram link at the bottom with the Twitter and Facebook links because these are two social sites relevant to literary work.

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