Disability and Mental Illness in eLearning.

Kent, Mike. “Disability, Mental Illness, and ELearning: Invisible Behind the Screen?” The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, 17 Dec. 2015, jitp.commons.gc.cuny.edu/disability-mental-illness-and-elearning-invisible-behind-the-screen/.

For people with disabilities learning can be very difficult. ELearning can be very helpful to those with disabilities but some individuals are reluctant to disclose their disabilities. Open Universities Australia, or OUA, is a way that students can access education entirely online. OUA wants to make sure they have the most universal access to education that they can offer. OUA surveyed 352 students, the survey contained 17 questions. The second stage of the research was an Skype interview with 11 of the 352 students. Research showed that the problems students with disabilities face when attending a traditional school could be helped by attending online school. There will always be barriers for these students but they will lessen. with eLearning the biggest concern will still be that the students disabilities will disappear behind the screen making it harder for them to get the access they need for their education.

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