Design Proposal Comments

Team 1 ( Ineffective UI/UX Elements:

  1. The top navigation doesn’t have any drop-down options. It could be more difficult to find things.
  2. The color scheme doesn’t work well together, nor does it represent Stevenson.
  3. The overall design doesn’t scream “online multimedia magazine.” It reads very generic.
  4. Cannot access back issues. Only Spring 2019 and Fall 2019 issues are available.
  5. Featured Artist and Featured Poet articles at bottom of page have thin widths; it appears squished and hard to read.

Team 1 Effective UI/UX Elements:

  1. There is a search bar.
  2. Facebook highlights are on right side navigation bar.
  3. Within each issue, submissions are categorized by type (short story, photography, etc.)
  4. Several buttons change subtly when the mouse hovers over it
  5. “Meet Our Team” on “About Us” tab has pictures, which is really helpful.

Team 1 Overall:

The website has the basic, required elements for an online magazine, however it lacks overall attention to design and user interaction. It seems unfinished and it doesn’t look like an online multimedia magazine.

Team 2 ( Ineffective Elements:

  1. Overall lacks color and interest. The only color is from photographs. The background and text are black and white.
  2. The ‘typewriter’ typeface doesn’t mesh well with the other typeface.
  3. The Greenspring Review logo at top doesn’t match the Greenspring Review brand.
  4. Content isn’t grouped by issue- it’s grouped by category (Creative Writing, Journalistic).
  5. The content categories aren’t specific and easy to understand. I would rather see them grouped by short story, poem, journalism, photography, etc.

Team 2 Effective Elements:

  1. Some buttons change subtly when the mouse hovers over it.
  2. The photos are crisp and bright.
  3. Archives are easy to access.
  4. Website isn’t overwhelming.
  5. Quotes from the Editors is a unique addition.

Team 2 Overall:

The website was extremely underwhelming, and it was difficult to find effective elements. The overall design and organization was lacking.

Team 3 ( Ineffective Elements:

  1. The books background isn’t inclusive for a magazine that isn’t exclusively books/ written work.
  2. The “Grab a Poem,…” section on the homepage doesn’t have a good hierarchical structure, and there are too many elements.
  3. The search bar and Event Countdown, as well as several other elements make the website feel too blocky and less organic.
  4. The “Issues” page should be more interactive than 2 text buttons with drop down menus. I want colorful visual elements like photographs or art from each issues.
  5. Content previews in each category are only text. visual element included in the preview would make the page less text-heavy

Team 3 Effective Elements:

  1. The oak leaf fountain pen logo is really cute and unique.
  2. The search bar is easy to locate
  3. Overall, there is a good amount of color that makes the website interesting.
  4. Each category in each issue (Poetry, Short Stories, etc.) has large, crisp photographs.
  5. Although the books background isn’t inclusive, having a colorful, yet simple, photograph as the background adds a pop of color that isn’t distracting.

Team 3 Overall: This website has all of the required elements, plus extras that make the website feel special and connected the Stevenson University. The colors and visual elements make the website feel organic and easy-to-use.

Final Decision: Team 3. The website feels the most complete, and only has small adjustments to fix.

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