GSR Redesign

Team 1:


  1. I really like the color scheme. It still feels like its own website, but the green reminds the user that the site is affiliated with Stevenson.
  2. The logo for this site is awesome. It is creative, well-polished, simple, and memorable for the user.
  3. I like how the home page has the big section to take you to the most current issue. It makes it easier for the user to access the new issue right from the home page.
  4. I like how the categories of the submissions have backgrounds of the submitted photographs. It showcases the artists work even more so that the user can appreciate them even if they are not specifically trying to find the photograph pieces.
  5. I like how the users are able to go to the Stevenson website from the site. It can attract future students.

Needs Improvement

  1. I’m not the biggest fan of the books as the background. I understand why they did it, but it is a little distracting for me. Maybe if it was in black in white it would be a little less distracting.
  2. When you click the issues button, the links and drop-down menu attached to the links are huge. The links I don’t have a problem with, but the menu goes out of view and forces the reader to scroll down to see the options.
  3. I think that the social media link to Stevenson’s English department should be on the sidebar and not in the footer. I think more users would see it if it weren’t at the bottom of the page.
  4. The submissions page does not allow you to directly submit like the other websites. This would make it much easier for the user if they could submit right on the site.
  5. The picture on the “About” page should be smaller so that the user does not have to scroll far down. There is a ton of white space at the top of the photo that could be cut off to decrease the size.

Team 2:


  1. The about page is really clean, concise, and to the point. I enjoy the quotes from the editors of the websites and it gives it a personal feel.
  2. I really enjoy the layout of the Visual art page. All of the photos from the issue are together, but are big enough to appreciate them as their own work. The name of the creator and the title to the side of each piece makes it really easy to know who did what.
  3. The submissions guideline page is detailed and even gives the copyright statement. Makes it easier for the user to know what they can submit.
  4. The home page highlights featured artists from multiple categories. When you click on the category header, it takes you right to the submissions for that category by issue. This makes it easier for the user to find submissions.
  5. I like the archives page with the link directly to the old site. It is easy to get to and not hard to miss.

Needs Improvement

  1. The giant header does not allow the user to see the actual content of the page without scrolling.
  2. Since the header is not a sticky header, it goes away when you go to a different page other than the home page and only is partially showing.
  3. The font and logo on the header appear blurry and it appears the same on a mobile device.
  4. The scrolling header does not work very well on the mobile phone. As you are scrolling, it widens so that the words get cut off on the sides.
  5. The website itself is very plain. A nicer background would give it some more pop and make it more interesting for the user to view.

Team 3:


  1. The sidebar with the link to the Facebook page allows the user to interact more with the The Greenspring Review by allowing them to follow what’s happening with the Stevenson’s English Department.
  2. The way the issues are broken down is easy for the user to navigate through the different categories. Having pictures as the cover of the issues also allows the artists to be featured.
  3. I like the smaller header. It doesn’t distract the reader from the content and they are able to see a lot more without scrolling.
  4. The design within the header itself is effective. Even though it is not a custom-made logo, it fits the purpose of the magazine.
  5. I like the simple pattern that makes up the background of the website. It isn’t distracting for the user, but it is something more than just a plain color.

Needs Improvement

  1. I think that the “What’s new?” Section should be smaller and not the entire page. This distracts the user from the purpose of the magazine, which are the submissions.
  2. The featured artists section on the home page makes the user question why these artists are featured.
  3. There is no email on the about page or submissions page for users to ask their questions. This limits the user to only communicating through the site, whereas an email would be more effective.
  4. The about page is not exactly professional. I think the smiley faces should be removed so that it gives off more of a professional literary magazine tone.
  5. The video at the bottom of the sidebar is confusing. Is it a submission? I can’t find it in the actual submissions link and there is no explanation for it. If it is a submission, it shouldn’t be tucked away at the bottom of the page.

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