UX Summary

Braga, C. (2020, January 16). Rendering intentionality. Retrieved from https://uxdesign.cc/rendering-intentionality-1a57df40b585

The article starts off with the process of how products begin. They start off tiny and concentrated and are successful with what they end up with. However, as time progresses the developers started to make the app fancier and sophisticated by adding more features. And it worked! They did this for many reasons. 1. users asked for updates and features and the developers and designers, of course, had to follow suit. With that being said, a lot of times most businesses get in touch with the designers and they begin to push for more features because they calculate their performance based on the number of features they produce and not their actual function or relevance. What some businesses don’t realize is that the increase in features comes a decline in the user’s experience on the app. Newer apps, like Tonic, have created a news app that does not even make you do a sign in, which makes it immensely simple and very user-friendly. Being aware of your designs and how it relates to your users is knowing that the job is to solve the needs and wants of the user and not to just keep the developers happy. This means that the designers need to care about the wants and needs of the users.

The information of this article was very informative, which kept on cue with the subject being discussed. In the case of this article, they kept it nice, short, and simple. The way they delivered this information was more important than them trying to be extravagant and be unnecessarily wordy.

I found the information in this article was very useful. Something that I learned from this article is that less is most definitely. The addition of features does not necessarily enhance the site, but in fact, makes the website harder to use and more complicated for users. Simplicity is key if we want to keep the user experience a good one. I will keep this in mind when we redesign the Greenspring review, because not only do we want to keep our current users happy, but add more users due to this redesign.


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