Redesign Proposals: Pros And Cons

Team 1


  1. Logo relates to Stevenson University
  2. Format of issues on navigation bar.
  3. Issues are separated by genre.
  4. Navigation is simple.
  5. Contains space for users to subscribe via email.

Needs Improvement

  1. Books border is very busy and distracting.
  2. About section does not include the roles of those on staff.
  3. Event countdown does not actually countdown.
  4. Submission guidelines could be better formatted and organized.
  5. Link to social media.


Team 2


  1. Bold header and logo.
  2. Issues are organized by genre.
  3. Simple design is easy on eyes.
  4. Cover photos reflect content of posts.
  5. Quotes from editors is unique.

Needs Improvement

  1. Header disappears upon scrolling down.
  2. Lack of sufficient spacing between posts makes differentiating difficult
  3. Featured issues do not contain a link to full posts
  4. Archive tab should be more dynamic and not merely a link
  5. Side bar navigation takes up a lot of space and smushes content


Team 3


  1. Portrays activeness of organization and its affiliate.
  2. New events are easily found.
  3. Issue subcategories allow user to filter through options and narrow search.
  4. Search bar makes finding specific content easy.
  5. Submission form being at the top reduces amount of scrolling.

Needs Improvement

  1. Side navigation bar lacks organization.
  2. A lot of redirecting is needed to reach desired content.
  3. Pages are overly simplistic.
  4. Facebook feed lacks uniform formatting. A link may be a better fit.
  5. Embedded music video present without context.

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