Livesession UX Summary

Kalina. (2019, December). 7 Psychological Principles for Better UX. Retrieved from

After looking through the various articles on the website livesession, which serves to be a center for various tips to help people create better user experiences with their sites. In the article I chose, it focuses on several different ways to use psychology to the developers benefit. This stood out to me as I took a psychology class in high school my senior year and have been interested in it ever since. 

When starting to make a website, UX designers have endless colorways, layouts, and aesthetics to choose from. Using these psychological tricks explained in the article serve as a good guiding point to create an effective site. One trick in particular out of the list related to my rhetorical analysis, the law of figure/ground, which says that the brain either determines things as figures to focus on are whether things are the background. This relates to the decision of colors for obviously the background and then the text that the designer decides to go with. A decision like this is very important as the goal is to make the text stand out and is easy for the user to decipher as information warranting their attention to read it. Another one off the list that also stands out is the principle of least effort, meaning that users are attracted to interfaces that require minimal effort out of them to use the site. Focusing on the users attention span, making the site well organized and not cluttered with various bits of information or attention grabbing animations is to the UX designers benefit. 

Along with the two tricks I mentioned above, this list is helpful for the Greenspring review when deciding on how to structure their site. Making the site friendly on the user’s eyes and using text that pops out and easily distinguishable from the background is an important place to start.

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