GSR Analysis

Oak Tree –


  • Side Widgets: straight and to the point; useful
  • Good use of the gestural mode with social media tags (i.e. Facebook and Twitter)
  • Classic font for The Green Spring Review
  • Like the logo because they use an oak leaf rather than a feather to link back to Stevenson without being aggressive and pushy
  • Solid and consistent color theme throughout the website


  • Main background with the books was distracting
  • The Issues page was boring, could add images for each season (Fall/Spring)
  • The gray sub head color is a little too light, add something to make it more bold
  • The home page is a little boring, I think it needs to be more inviting
  • On the Submissions and Guidelines page, there isn’t a section to submit. The other two sites have an area either above or below the submission/guidelines area where the user can write their:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Subject
    • Message


Old School –


  • I like how they didn’t use Stevenson colors, they went with a blue and gray theme which is new and refreshing
  • I like their side widget topics
  • The What’s New tab is something different that the other sites didn’t have
  • I like how on the Issues page the Spring and Fall 2019 each have a large image to draw in the user
  • On the Submission and Guidelines page, I like how the first thing you see is the necessary information to post and then below it follows the rules/guidelines


  • Although I like the simplicity, I feel like it lacks originality
  • The website header image is pixilated
  • The typewriter image has an old school feel, but the rest of the website feel more modern
  • I don’t like the About page images in the circle. It was a good idea, but the images need to more uniformed and their job titles need to be centered under their images
  • I feel like the headers and content need to be either both Serif or San Serif. They don’t need to be the exact same, but for consistency purposes


Modern Flower –


  • The first thing that stood out was how the webpage moves as the user scrolls; really like that feature
  • Very minimal feature, but I really like the Est. 2016 in the bottom left of the website header
  • I like the typewriter font they used, giving a rustic English feel
  • I like how under each topic under the Issues tab there is a topic name and then an image directly under it
  • I like how it is more image based rather than word based. It is more visually appealing than having to navigate and read a bunch of words


  • I don’t love the image that they chose as the logo, it has a good meaning for interpreting what you want, but I don’t see the relevance
  • Lack of side widgets
  • No search bars
  • The head image is not clear, it’s pixilated
  • The text in the header for the Green Spring Review should be the same font as the rest of the text throughout the website

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