Greenspring Review Template Pros and Cons

Team 1




  • Clean and simple layout that’s easy on the eyes
  • Easily navigable, with unobtrusive drop downs within the issues
  • Consistent search bar and upcoming events keeps them within visibility and use
  • The about page connecting to the Greenspring campus of the University, feels official
  • Easily readable on mobile




  • No built-in direct submission function when many sites have it
  • Not optimized for mobile, drop downs for issues end up off screen
  • Mobile formatted poorly, site scrollable to the side to see background image, no real reason to do so, happens by accident
  • Submission guidelines feel very spaced out, feels a little awkward to read
  • Background image isn’t necessary on tablets, very little of it is visible





Team 2





  • Easily navigable on mobile
  • Eliminates previews of content on mobile, making it easier to read
  • Baked in submission box on the website
  • Separation of content by genre
  • Archives of previous content




  • Header feels too huge, feels gimmicky
  • Vertical focus leaves unused space on the sides
  • To navigate to a different section, the reader needs to scroll to the top
  • Minimalist about page with no delineation takes the reader a moment to recognize the difference with
  • The genre headings on the front page aren’t visually distinct enough, feels too close to the content titles









Team 3




  • Event focus promotes things that are often under-attended
  • The content being organized by issues and then genres makes finding something a bit easier, but also requires more pages to be viewed
  • Baked in submission tool makes submitting easier
  • About page very team focused
  • Text easily readable on mobile




  • Lack of drop downs in the ‘Issues’ section makes navigation slightly more time consuming
  • Should be an entire page to focus on events, with a calendar or list of dates
  • Aside from the header, there is a lack of color which feels less visually distinct
  • Lack of mobile optimization, content previews are still same size as full site
  • Menu at the top on mobile requires scrolling to the very top to navigate to new section



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