UX Summary

Tyrkiel , Kalina. “7 Psychological Principles for Better UX.” LiveSession, 11 Dec. 2019, livesession.io/blog/7-psychological-principles-for-better-ux/.

The information came from the site livesession, whose goal is to help people understand consumer’s digital experiences. They provided great examples of not only the 7 psychological theories or ideas but gave examples related to UX and the design of websites for users.

UX designers need to understand how users think in order to answer problems people are facing and fix them efficiently and effectively. UX designers can use psychology to spot the areas that could use large or small amounts of improvement.  There is no list of rules as to what users want but these psychological principles can be helpful. Understanding these basic principles can help reinvent a site to match the patterns of the user. Users expect some commonality with things like the x button being in the top left corner or the contact us button being somewhere near the bottom of the page. A designer has to understand the standards that users expect while also being creative. Users want to find things on sites with ease. Making everything on a site easy to find such as navigation bars to the placement of photos and content. Categorizing things that go together so the user can decide from the list and not have to figure out how to get to the list is another important aspect.

A website’s goal is appeal to the users’ needs and not what the designer thinks would be best. These principles can be applied to the Greenspring review as users want to put forth the least amount of effort possible in finding what they are looking for. Making things easier to find for them could attract more users and allow them to have a more favorable site experience.



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