Rendering Intentionality

Braga, C. (2020, January 16). Rendering intentionality. Retrieved from

The article begins with the process of how products begin. They start small and focused and are successful at what they do. As time goes on though, developers began to make the app more sophisticated by adding more features. This happens for a number of reasons, one of them being that users ask for updates and features and the developers and designers comply. However, a lot of times it is because businesses get ahold of the designers and they began to push for more features because they evaluate their performance based on the number of features and not their function or relevance. What businesses don’t realize is that with added features comes a decrease in the user’s experience on the app. Newer apps, like Tonic, have created a news app that does not even require a sign in, which makes it extremely…simple and user-friendly. Being intentional about ones’ design is knowing that the job is to solve the needs and wants of the user and not to keep the developers happy. This means that the designers need to care about the wants and needs of the user, therefore, caring about the impact of the work over the work itself.

This articles information was very informative and brier, which kept in line with the subject matter. Less is more, and for this article delivering the information was more important than trying to be fancy and use unnecessary wording.

The information in this article was very useful. Something that I learned from this article is that less is more. Adding features doesn’t make the website or app cooler or fancier, it actually makes it harder for the user to use. The simpler the application the better, as we do not want to decrease the user experience. I will apply this to the redesign of the Greenspring review by making sure that every application and feature is necessary. We do not want to turn users away because of the business of the website.


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