Summary of “3 practical tips…”

Li, Jacky. “3 practical tips for product builders when designing in an era of digital exhaustion.” 7 January 2020. Accessed 17 February 2020. WEb.


The article mentions several phenomena that affect how people use digital devices, and that the designers of applications should account for them. The idea of smart phone users only using roughly nine applications a day, and that new ones end up disrupting an established routine is the first thing mentioned. It then mentions how applications either add or lessen functions to their daily lives, or replace them. So, fitness trackers add something, while mobile wallets lessen then, and substituting one streaming service for another is a replacement. The second main point is about how building a product that has an impact should be about the process. It should be something usable, something worthwhile, not something to have an event for. The example given was a company that changed how the electric bill was presented to encourage people to use less energy, which was fairly successful. The third aspect is the use of the “emotional piggy bank” which is a way of describing the emotional relationship built between user and builder over the long term. Any users who feel like the builder has a personal investment in the users’ use of a product will feel more inclined to continue using that product, and have a better experience while doing so. The best pieces of advice from this article, especially in regards to the Greenspring Review redesign, are that it needs to be clear to use and understand, but give the readers something to be invested in, and a site that they will want to continue to visit.

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