Rhetorical Analysis on The Paris Review



My name is Tayla Wibecan and today I will be doing a rhetorical analysis on the website the Paris review. This is a professional literature website where authors and writers can submit their work to be reviewed. As you can see, they do reviews on issues, interviews, fiction, poetry, letters and essays, art and photography. They also have a podcast and YouTube videos.

After doing a rhetorical analysis on the professional website The Paris Review, I think the website needs to reconstruct the page, so it is more symmetrical along with changing some things to make the website not look as bland.


Color-The title along with paragraphs of the page are written black. There are pops of hot pink as you can see the subscribe button and some of the titles. As you move your mouse over an article the color of the title changes to hot pink.

Font -The font for the website is serif that makes it look very professional and sophisticated.

Media– There are a lot of pictures and videos that can be found on the site. They all are very different

Purpose of images/visuals- For readers to see what the article is about

Information architecture– menu bar and dropdown menu bar

User experience- Overall the website was easy to navigate through however after a while of the lack of color and symmetry it got kind of old and boring.

Aural– There’s no sounds when you press a button or anything like that and the video options do not play automatically unlike some other websites might do.

Gestural– you can enter your email address to be part of their newsletter.  They also have an advertisement at the top that you can look and exit out of.

Spatial– There is a lot of white space on the sides, too much for my liking.  Everything is left centered.

Linguistic– This is a very sophisticated website that is used by very educated people and because of this you won’t see, and slang used or incomplete sentences. Instead you will find proper grammar and spelling throughout the whole site with full and complete sentences.

The audience is geared towards those who are interesting in literature. Specifically, those who want to publish/upload their own work onto the website or read and learn more about work that is published already.

Purpose– to provide a space where authors and readers can submit their work of fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.

Context– As you move along to the about page under history you can see that the Paris Review was founded in Paris in 1953.

And genre– literature, English,

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