Newspapers Teach UX Design

“What Newspapers Can Teach Us About Web Design.” Smashing Magazine, 8 Nov. 2019,

Technology is constantly changing every day and web designers must keep up with it to take advantage of the many features that can be used to develop a great website. However, it is easy to get caught up in the latest trends in web design and sometimes old techniques are all you need. This article looks back at news design and shows their connection to best practice online.  A popular newspaper phrase ‘above the fold’ can be compared to a web designers job to make an impression on their visitors when they see the homepage of a website. After grabbing attention, a good principle to follow when thinking about how people engage with a page of content is the Z pattern, or The Gutenburg Principle. It is the theory that, when faced with a lot of content, people tend to read at the top left hand corner and finish at the bottom right hand corner, flicking from right to left as they go. Due to newpapers being packed with pure content, the arrangement and layout is very important. Newspapers us grid systems and content blocks to help with organization. Columns are the most important in order to help the text flow down the page. Newspapers follow more techniques than I realize and each can be used for the redesign of The Villager.

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