“Designing your digital product like a concept car” by Jon Rundle, Annotated Bibliography

Rundle, Jon. “Designing your digital product like a concept car.” Medium, Transform, 15 Jan. 2020, https://medium.com/snapdocs-design/designing-your-digital-product-like-a-concept-car-26e382eb56e. Accessed 17 Feb. 2020.

Rundle compared designing a concept car to your digital product. He discussed how doing concept work for your digital product may help you explore and imagine your product without limitations, to unlock ideas you probably wouldn’t even realize within normal project constraints. This gets you and your team excited to use the concept as a tool to take practical steps towards improving your product in the iterative process of design.

Rundle is a product designer so the information and insight he shared is credible and coming from experience as he used a personal example. Relating concept car design to how you improve your digital product is an interesting perspective that makes sense, making this a useful source.

I learned that brainstorming without limitations or using logic will help you realize ideas and actually get you motivated and excited to design your product. In this class, our product is The Greenspring Review. I will think of ideas as if there isn’t a box (no constraints) to improve the user interface that will, hopefully, positively affect the user.

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