7 Psychological Principles for Better UX

Kalina. “7 Psychological Principles for Better UX.” LiveSession, livesession.io/blog/7-psychological-principles-for-better-ux/.

In this article, author Kalina Tyrkiel, discusses 7 principles for better UX (user experience).  At the beginning she discusses why psychology and UX go hand in hand; the idea that understanding human behavior is essential, and a lot more promising than taking a shot in the dark.  Tyrkiel also mentions the three types of psychology, behavioral, cognitive, and gestalt.  Behavioral psychology speaks for itself, it focuses on a person’s behaviors, cognitive focuses on a personal mental process, and gestalt refers to the whole is more than the sum of its parts (Max Wertheimer).

Moving into the 7 principles, they are as follows.  Jakob’s Law, Nielsen had this idea that, if users already know how to work websites similar to yours, why change it.  Second is, the principle of least effort, and it means exactly how it sounds like, do as little work as possible to get something done.  Third is, the law of proximity, this means elements located close to each other are perceived as one group.  Fourth principle is law of figure/ground, this deal with the visual appeal of a website; the color, brightness, contrast, etc.  Fifth is the law of similarity, if two things are seen as similar they are seen as parts of the same group.  Second to last is, Hick’s law, and in simplest terms, this means less is more.  Lastly, the seventh principle is, Serial position effect, this effect describes how the user remembers the first and last items that they saw.

These seven principles will be nothing but helpful for the Greenspring Review.  Having these key elements help better understand their audience.  This can go anywhere from the content that they want to see, as well as how easy and simple they want to website to be navigated for optimal usage.

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