Rhetorical Analysis – The Paris Review


The Paris Review 

  • Audience 
    • After looking through the content bar at the top of the website, specifically under The Review, there are several subcategories that cover Issues, Interviews, Fiction, Poetry, Letters & Essays, and Art & Photography.  From this you can see that the main audience that they are trying to reach are people that are really into English. To be more specific, people that are able to look at a photo, a piece of art, or poem, and be able to annotate what the artist/writer was trying to convey through their work.
    • The audience would expect nothing other than a poem, either past or present, as well as a piece of art that speaks to them on a personal level.
  • Purpose 
    • After looking through the Paris Review, I would say that the main purpose is to bring back old works of art, photography, and literature back to the present.  In some cases, these things weren’t appreciated in their time, so bringing them back to life gives them the recognition they deserve. As well as inspiring other artist’s/authors to show their creativity, and for it to be shared amongst others that share similar interests and can enjoy it as much as the people composing it did.
  • Context 
    • Depending on what you choose to look at on the website determines what kind of context you will see.  For example, if you click on the poetry or fiction tab under The Review content, there is a lot of text.  There is a uniform layout to it as well, at the top of the poem is the name of the poem, directly underneath is the name of the author, and then underneath that is the preview of the poem.  If the reader wants to read the whole thing, they can click on the “…” to expand the poem and read it in its entirety.
    • When it comes to Art & Photography, once you click on that tab, there are albums of art and photos by several different artists.  Once you click on the one you would like to further browse through, you can see their portfolio with photos as well as a little back story to follow the meaning of the art or photo.
  • Genre
    • Literary magazine
    • Has now touched into podcasts to talk about art through the podcasts and videos 
    • The podcasts and or videos are going to tell you how to think/feel rather than “what do you think”
    • People who want to be in the know about art, will use this website for their references 
  • Modes
    • Visual 
      • Visually there are a lot of images on this particular website.  Since one of their main pages actually of just art and photography, there are an ample number of images to help catch the audience’s eye.  Underneath the images are explanations as to what they are, what they mean, and if it is a picture of a person, it says who they are and a little backstory on them. 
      • Example: Dave Hardy’s New and Recent Sculpture 
    • Aural
      • When it comes to the aural aspect, there are two sections on the content bar that would fit that mode.  There is a tab for podcasts and a tab for videos. So, for the people that are not so into the idea of having to read and absorb information about a poem or piece of art, there are these options where the audience can listen to a reading of a poem or a discussion about a poem, literature, or art.  There are several different types of podcasts that can be watched, with several episodes to follow up.
    • Linguistic
      • I already covered the linguistics of this whole website in the beginning of the capture, but just for a refresher, it was discussed that there is constant font throughout the whole website, it just varies in color, boldness, and if it italicized or not.  To more specifically touch on the tone of the website, I would say that it is more relaxed and subtle. There is a very calming feel to the website and the art, literature, other things on this website fall into that tone as well.
    • Spatial 
      • When it comes to the spatial aspect I noticed a lot of distracting whire space on The Daily tab.  There is content down the left side of the page, however, on the right side there is a large white space down the whole side which I find to be a little distracting.  I find that my eyes skip lines or words, and it is difficult to find my spot.
    • Gestural 
      • The main gestural content that instantly caught my eye was also in the content bar.  There are two tabs that would be considered gestural, the first being the Donate and the second being Store.  These are two tabs that make the audience react.  
      • There are also side widgets to the right of the page that say “You may also like” which means the website is using Business Intelligence based off of your past clicks to try and find other things on the website that the audience may like.  This would allow for the audience to click and journey further into the website.
    • Affordances
      • Strengths
        • I would say one of the main strengths on the website would be how easy it is to navigate through the website.  There are the main tabs that have sub-tabs to help narrow your search to see specific things on the website.
        • There is also a constant text and color to the website making it easy on the eyes, and not hard to follow.  The consistency makes it very appealing.
      • Weaknesses 
        • From an audience stand point, I would say the one weakness that this website obtains is how much content is actually on the website itself.  Although it is very organized, and everything has its own spot, it was a little overwhelming to see how much content was on one website or even one page
      • Color
        • Just from looking at the home page you can already tell the color palette the website uses is black, white, gray, and a hint of pink that really draws the eye.  Once you scroll to the very bottom of the home page you can see an illustration of the city of Paris, which gives off a very elegant feel.
      • Font 
        • You can see that the font that is used throughout the entire website is a Serif font, very similar to Times New Roman with a more rustic touch to it.  The font stays consistent however, there are times where the titles of articles or blogs are bolded and or italicized.

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