Rhetorical Analysis of Guernica Magazine


Script for Rhetorical Analysis

Start off on home page of screen

Hello everyone and welcome to Guernica’s home page. Guernica is a well-organized website that incorporates all of the modes of communication to provide a user-friendly experience for an audience interested in politics and global affairs.

The purpose of the website is to combine arts and politics on a global scale to feature different perspectives on the issues we come across in our world today. You are able to find different authors speaking on different issues across the world. These issues are incorporated in the many different literary works on the site. Scroll down on homepage to show the different article topics.

Following the purpose, the primary audience of the site would be those interested in global affairs and/or politics. This is because the main ideas of the magazine focus more on global issues and politics. The secondary audience would be fans of literature, as there is an abundance of literary works on the site that combine these more intense topics.

The context of the site is an online literary magazine. The magazine was founded 15 years ago, but has done a nice job of updating their materials and site so that it is more user-friendly. The site functions well on a computer, tablet, or phone and is easy to navigate through each device with no big changes to the formatting.

Therefore, the genre would be an online literary magazine with a twist. The magazine is taking a radical approach by focusing more specifically on the politic and global affairs subjects.

The colors of the site are black, white, and shades of grey with hints of red. The black/white/grey are standard colors for professional websites and it makes the text easier to read. It gives the feeling of more of a news blog than a literary magazine, but it works with the magazine’s purpose. This contrasts the color scheme of The Paris Review greatly, where instead you have a lot of pink and white, attracting a more feminine audience.  The pop of red color that appears when you click on something click on a category header highlights what section of the website you are in. This allows the user to easily see exactly what page they are on.

The font is pretty standard as well, which is what you would expect on a literary website. The size and type of font makes the articles easy to read. The big, bold block letters of the title also back up the idea of more of a professional news site than a literary magazine. Switch to an article The titles of the articles are larger than the articles themselves with the tagline in italics. It is easy to separate the title from the rest of the article because of the font size.

Switch to more tab There are lots of different kinds of media on the site. Articles, videos, audio clips of some content, photographs, and videos can all be found. This provides the user with an abundance of content to interact with. The audio clips can be found on a lot of poetry entries switch to a poetry entry for audio This allows the poet to read their work exactly as they want it to sound, which provides a more enriching experience for the audience. This is much like The Paris Review website, which also has many different forms of media.

Back to home screen The information architecture of the site is split into categories for easy navigation by the user. There is a search bar to find exactly what you are looking for. The categories across the top include arts & culture, politic, bodies & nature, lives, fiction, poetry, social, more. Switch to more tab Under the more category, they are broken down even further into types of media, topics, and specials. Compared to the Tin House literary magazine site where there are very few categories to choose from, the Guernica site has a way for their audience to find what they are looking for in an easier manner.

For the user experience, it is easy to find what you need or are looking for with the categories and break downs. A lot of the poetry entries can be listened to. Back to home The tags on all of the articles tell you exactly what category it is in.

In conclusion, Guernica is a well-designed and organized site that allows a user-friendly experience for those interested on literary works mainly focusing on politics, arts, or global affairs.

MLA Citations

Bazzet, Michael. “The Empty City.” Guernica, 10 Jan. 2020, https://www.guernicamag.com/the-empty-city/.

“Guernica – A Magazine of Global Arts & Politics.” Guernica, https://www.guernicamag.com/. Accessed 12 Feb. 2020.

“Paris Review – Writers, Quotes, Biography, Interviews, Artists.” The Paris Review, https://www.theparisreview.org/video. Accessed 12 Feb. 2020.

“Home.” Tin House, https://tinhouse.com/. Accessed 12 Feb. 2020.

Yi-seol, Kim. “Thirteen.” Guernica, 30 Jan. 2020, https://www.guernicamag.com/thirteen/.





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