The Villager Rhetorical Analysis

The villager is a Stevenson University student run online news source that reflects professional news journals such as Delaware Online. The site offers weekly articles on sports, events, bookstore sales, etc all written by students.  The Villager is very impressive for being run by students, especially when comparing it side by side to professional online journal such as Delaware Online. 

Both websites have a very sleek look that allows for easy navigation through out the site. When it comes to text, both chose to have the title of the article written in bold black lettering while a preview of the body of the article can be found below in a gray color. This contrast increases legibility and makes it easier for readers to find the article they were looking for. The simplicity of the fonts and colors makes both websites very legible along with maintaining a sleek aesthetic.

When it comes to images and layout, Both the Villager and Delaware online have a home page that consists of one large picture and then two smaller pictures to the right representing articles.

Although both lay outs are similar, Stevenson was able to make their website look more organized and technologically advanced. Unlike Delaware online, the large picture used in The Villager’s home page is constantly changing, bringing up a new article. This is a good attention grabber for readers and makes the website look more technologically advanced. Another simple, yet drastic   difference that puts The Villager over Delaware Online is the placement of the title over the pictures instead of under. This creates more symmetry through out the site and all around made it look more neat and organized. 

Students at Stevenson University have worked really well to create a news journal that is well organized, neat, easy to navigate, and interesting. When comparing a student run news journal to a professional news journal,  ran by “The News Journal,”  one can find that Stevenson’s “The Villager” is just as good, if not better based on functionality and look.

One thought on “The Villager Rhetorical Analysis”

  1. 1. Is the thesis clear and debatable. Does the author express an opinion about the site?
    I am not sure that there is a thesis in the opening of the analysis. You did a great job comparing the Villager to another school newspaper, however, your opinion on what the Villager could be better at should be stated in the first paragraph. For example, “The Villager does a great job showcasing the positives that Stevenson has to offer, however, they do lack in the area of what is real and going down behind the scenes.” Maybe add a little bit more drama to it.

    2. Does the author analyze at least two modes? Does the author provide specific evidence of each mode?
    Due to confusion about the assignment, there is only one mode analyzed in your analysis. Although you only did one mode, you did a very good job talking about how the Villager encapsulated its visual techniques. I thought it was helpful seeing screen shots of the website to help back up what you were saying about the images on the front page of the website. You also did a great job describing to the reader what the website looks like when it comes to text and color on the website, and how it differs from Delaware Online.

    3. Does the author identify the affordances of this site? Do the affordances connect back to their thesis?
    I would day that the affordances are briefly talked about. Not so much the weaknesses, but the strengths are pointed out, in a more comparative way, not so much straight forward. The strengths come from you comparing the Villager to the Delaware Online. You definitely talk about how the Villager does a great job about their rolling content where as Delaware Online is more stagnant. Which slightly relates back to the minor thesis, but could maybe be stronger to really emphasize your opinion.

    4. Does the author provide screenshots that relate to the evidence provided? Is it clear why the include these specific images?
    Yes! The screen shots of the front page was really helpful, especially when it came to backing up your point about how the newspapers are similar, and how Stevenson makes the Villager stand out amongst other school newspapers.

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