The Stevenson Villager

The Stevenson Villager is a University weekly newspaper run by students, for faculty, students, alumni, and those interested in knowing more about the school. The Villager features content on school sports, on and off campus activities, and more. This website uses a multimodal way of communication by including both word and image to convey a message to its readers. This way of organization can be analyzed through different modes and affordances to help readers better understand the content they are reading.

Linguistic: Each article is written in a specific format known as AP Style (Associated Press). This style is commonly used by journalists and on newspapers. Using this format ensures that there is uniform between all posts because there are many different writers for the paper. The journalists must not show too much difference in writing styles, though they are allowed to use their personal judgment on a piece, there is a chance it could be edited before publishing.

Visual: The home page for the Villager website displays a title which is in the Stevenson colors, and every font used on the Villager website is a sans serif font. This allows for clear visuals, and all other text on the website is black against a white background.

Aural: The website features no sound on the page, except when adding a link a sports video- or the occasional SUTV or SU Radio article. This website rarely features videos, though they do use a lot of images, usually two per article.

Spatial: There are clear categories on the paper which separate the types of articles which are along the top and as a sidebar on the website. These categories can help readers stay in articles they care most about. On the homepage there is a feature section that rotates through images of the new weekly articles. Each article is also laid out the same way, two pictures flushed to the left with a caption. This keeps a sense of symmetry through the articles and writers.

Gestural: There is not much to interact with on the page other than the category buttons. This page is very informational and there is not anything to interact with other than the content itself.

Overall, the Stevenson Villager is an online publication that features a multimodal way of communication. Through this analysis we can see that there is a lot of uniformity through the entire website. The images used throughout the page are the only real visual aspects for the website.


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