Rhetorical Analysis of The Villager

The Villager is one of many Stevenson University’s websites. This website is more article based where students majoring in Journalism control of it. Articles are published every week stemming from topics about school athletics, reviews and news about the institution or the community around it.

Modes and Affordances

Linguistic Mode

The language used in this website is informative in every article. Whether the article is a review or highlights on a past sports game, the language is consistent.

Visual Mode

The Villager incorporates a lot of visuals throughout the articles. All of the articles have the same layout when it comes to the visuals. The picture is always on the left side of the article at the start of it. On the posts, all of the articles have their headlining picture above the date of publication, title of the article, author and a brief introduction. The color scheme of the website corresponds to the color scheme of the school.

Aural Mode

There are no sounds or sound effects that aid in the communication of the information provided in the website. However, under the category “Students Are Talking…” there are links to short YouTube videos of past or current Stevenson University students that responded to topic questions about what was going in that point in time.

Spatial Mode

All of the pages and categories on the website are consistent in the layout. As stated above, the pictures on the pages and in the articles are identical in layout. There is a side navigation bar on the right of the websites on all pages and posts. There also is a top navigation bar that is consistent on all pages and posts.

Gestural Mode

The way the website is constructed leads to the user to have an easy time navigating through it if you are on a desktop or computer. The top navigation bar is easy to access and see on every page. The YouTube videos and the products addressed in some of the articles that are linked throughout the website are easily accessible and work. One aspect of the layout that may hinder navigation is the side navigation bar on the right. If this website is being looked at on a smart phone, having the side navigation on the right side can hinder scrolling through the website as majority of users are right handed.

The Villager is a simple website that is user friendly and easy to navigate through for all ages. The content and information provided is feasible to those who have or are attending Stevenson University and their families, faculty of the institution, the community of Baltimore and people that are interested in attending the university.

One thought on “Rhetorical Analysis of The Villager”

  1. 1. Is the thesis clear and debatable. Does the author express an opinion about the site?
    The thesis statement is not clear as there are more so statements of facts versus an opinion about the site.
    2. Does the author analyze at least two modes? Does the author provide specific evidence of each mode?
    Yes, there are at least two modes that the author analyzes and although, the information stated is true there is not really any specific evidence to support their claim.
    3. Does the author identify the affordances of this site? Do the affordances connect back to their thesis?
    Yes, the author does identify the affordances of the website, however, they do not connect back to the thesis.
    4. Does the author provide screenshots that relate to the evidence provided? Is it clear why the include these specific images?
    No, there are not any screenshots provided by the author in relation to the evidence.

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