Visual Rhetorical Analysis of The Villager Website


The Stevenson Villager does a good job communicating throughout the site. They do this with both text and pictures on every page not just the front page. The text and pictures are not random but rather they offer in-site and information to the context that the reader will be viewing. This multimodal effect makes the site more appealing and attracts more readers than a site that just has a bunch of words.


There are many affordances throughout The Villager, which display the strengths and weaknesses of the site. The strengths seen include the use of modern important visuals to allow for the development of emotion from the readers. The fact that there are so many images afford the opportunity for the viewer to see things without reading. A weakness seen throughout the site is that the site is basic, due to the fact that every page is the same, the title bar, with a picture and then many words explaining the title. The site isn’t as interactive as it maybe should be, if a reader wants information on a specific topic, all they have to do is search it then click it and all they will learn on the topic is on that one page.


The main colors on the site are green, white and black. This fits well with its audience and the news that is on the site as the colors of Stevenson University are green, White, and black. There is also some other colors found on every page from the pictures. The Villager is not in black and white  which makes the site and the pictures more appealing.

Font Choice:

The font seen throughout The Villager is new and sleek. The font works well with the overall site as it is easy to read and works with where text is placed. The font isn’t that exciting or abstract but that works well with the content it is displaying.


The site has a top navigation bar that has different tabs for the user to use. Gestural modes are benefited from this layout due to static images of Stevenson sports when viewing the sports tab. This could be multimodal as well coinciding with the visual mode with pictures being equal and proportionate in size. The spatial mode is emphasized as well due to the close proximity between links and images throughout The Villager.

One thought on “Visual Rhetorical Analysis of The Villager Website”

  1. 1. The author structured the assignment nicely and could broaden the thesis to make it more debatable. Therefore the reader will know it upon reading the first paragraph. The author does express and opinion about the site.
    2. The two modes analyzed are pictures and text. They are explained but more specific evidence could be added.
    3. Affordances are identified and connect back to the authors opinion on the site. The affordances are the most detailed section explained therefore emphasizing the opinion expressed.
    4. There are no images added but the addition of visuals could also support the authors opinion.

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