Relatable Meme About College

“Me a naturally smart college student having to study for the first time realizing I have no idea how.” Twitter. Accessed Jan 28, 2020.


This particular meme is one that I resonate with. I was the type of student that never had to study for any of my classes and would ace every test. The most I would do was read over my notes or rewrite them. I was in the International Baccalaureate Program in my Junior and Senior year of high school and the only subject I reviewed frequently for was Spanish. The first time that I “studied” was spring semester of my Freshman year of college for Microbiology. A few classmates and I had study sessions but I would just read over the unit objectives and the material and ace the test (which is what I’ve always done). It wasn’t until I took anatomy last semester and realized that my no studying streak would fail me. Anatomy is one of those courses that you absolutely need to study for because there is so much information to learn in a short amount of time. I had to scramble to try out different techniques of studying only to find out what worked for me at the end of the semester. I ended up failing the class, having to retake it this semester and be a year behind in my nursing degree. All in all, this meme connects with me on a deep level.

One thought on “Relatable Meme About College”

  1. I can relate to this. The hardest part about college is learning how to study effectively. In college we do actually have to put in work outside the classroom which is something that we barely had to do in high school. Those first couple exams in college are definitely eye-openers.

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