Relatable meme

Having taken a gap year to work and figure out what I wanted to do, I was not looking forward to going back to school. I enjoyed working full-time at a car dealership in sales and wanted to continue. when I first started classes again I had forgotten how cliche some of the introduction classes were. Having made my way up into a good sales position, I felt like i had taken several steps backwards by going to school. I now realize that it was a good decision because by having a degree will differentiate me from other prospective job candidates when applying for jobs.


30 Funny College Memes 8


30 Funny College Memes. (2020). Retrieved 29 January 2020, from

2 thoughts on “Relatable meme”

  1. I relate to this meme because I feel that it is a pointless icebreaker that does not work. No one is going to remember these three things about you and the professor won’t either since there’s so many students.

  2. This meme really made me laugh, because although it could be relatable to me on the inside, seeing my face and hearing my answers would give you the opposite impression. As soon as I hear teacher talk about introduction a part of my soul just cringes, but the second I open my mouth you would think I was an orientation leader. LOL!

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