Life is Bad…But it Could be Worse: College Meme

“If Britney Can Make It Through 2007, I Can Make It Through This Semester”

I really love this meme because it is Britney in what I think was her prime. Even though her life was a mess her music was absolute fuego around this time. Which brings me into why I can relate to this meme. As a college senior I have been through the good, bad, ugly, and flat our horrendous. Each year get to that point in the semester when I am officially over everything, but there’s still time left and I can’t give up just yet. when I am down on my luck and everything is going left, what always gets me going is comparing my bad situation to something that could be worse. “I failed an exam and now I have two weeks to come back from that I don’t think I can do it” my response to myself could be “Well it could be worse, you could be failing and have to take the class again next semester.” I know it sounds so bad and so negative, but two negatives creates a positive, which in my scenarios equals hope and motivation. Whenever I reach that point where my life is in shambles, I channel my inner ’07 and come out of the tunnel victorious. #youwantapieceofme #strongerthanyesterday

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