College Meme

Description: The meme I chose depicts the “appearance” of a college student when they first come in as a freshman and when they are goin into their senior year using Leonardo DiCaprio.  The first picture on the left shows a young Leo with zero facial hair at all looking like a teenager that just received his license.  The second picture shows him with a full beard and long hair looking twice as old as the other picture.  The difference between the pictures shows how even though four years may not seem that long, you grow up and mature at a rapid rate when your college career is coming to an end and your ready for the real world.

I chose this particular meme because not only do I like Leo as an actor but this before and after looks pretty similar to what I looked like coming into freshman year with little to no facial hair.  It also gives an accurate depiction as to how I feel coming to the end of my college career.  The drastic change gives us an idea as to how grueling college can be as well as how much change can occur in that short time.


4 thoughts on “College Meme”

  1. I think this is an accurate depiction as most people look like night and day when looking back at old pictures from their freshman year to their senior year. Though I am only a sophomore, I have seen it happen to people I know and even my sister does look different as she is now entering her senior year at her college.

  2. I like this meme because I am able to relate to it in all aspects. Coming in as a freshman you seem sort of like a young man but by the time you’re through your first couple years, it seems like that was so long ago and seems like you were a completely different person. I think it adds to the maturity aspect of going to college where you to only change mentally but also physical signs start to appear.

  3. I love this meme because it is an accurate visual representation of college. College wears you down every semester. As each year passes, everyone just seems like they’re holding on by a thread, just trying to make it to the end.

  4. I think this is really relatable because I am only a junior and I already feel this way. College can be stressful and it feels like it lasts way longer than four years. I feel like I look like this sometimes just after a semester and then winter or summer break brings me back to life before I feel like this again next semester.

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