College Meme


me. me/i/college-twitter-hows-college-going-voice-329586

“How’s college going?” MEME. Accessed Jan. 2020.

This is pretty accurate for me when anyone asks about college. Whether it be stress, academics, athletics, social stuff, relationships or friendships I usually just say “I’m fine”. I may not be at that moment but I know I will pull through and the slump is only temporary. People close to me see right through it and make me talk to them but with others, I don’t feel like getting into it so I just keep it to myself. Other times it really is just fine. I go about my day and do what I need to do. It may not have been enjoyable but it could have easily been a lot worse.

2 thoughts on “College Meme”

  1. I love this meme. I am known for responding to any question with “I’m Fine.”, even more so when it relates to school. (and it being friends is a plus as well)

  2. This is me as well, especially when I’m spending time with extended family over the holidays. They ask and I’m compelled to tell them the good, the bad, and the ugly, but in a casual setting like a get-together, I keep it simple. They usually just want to know how your grades are and if you party a lot. Everything else I keep until I have one-on-one with someone.

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