College Life Meme

“Elementary vs College.” Meme. Accessed Jan. 2020.

I believe that this meme does describe some aspects of my college life. When I first started college, I knew that it would be completely different from high school. I especially knew that the expectations in college would be different from what I experienced so far. Although there are some parts of college that can be difficult such as managing your time wisely, I don’t think college is as bad as the meme depicts it to be. However, I do agree that compared to elementary school, college is much harder. In elementary school, as a kid, you don’t have as many responsibilities as an adult in college.  As the meme displays, there is a sort of naive innocence in elementary students, whereas college students just want their “suffering” to end.

One thought on “College Life Meme”

  1. I think this is so true whenever starting a new school (middle school/ high school/ college) you start off so eager to learn and have all of these great new experiences. Then by the third week you realize its the same thing just more work and you hate it! I am definitely at the point of just wanting to be out of school.

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