College Life Meme

People go to the library only to sit on their phone.
“24 Funny Memes College – Left2Say | Crazy Funny Memes, Funny Spongebob Memes, Funny Relatable Memes.” Pinterest, Accessed 28 Jan. 2020.

I chose this meme because it accurately represents myself.  Whenever I try and be productive, I always find myself sitting on my phone instead of doing my work.  I have been exactly like this meme, sitting down trying to get things done, as organized as possible, but still being on my phone the entire time.  Procrastinating can be a really issue for me because I definitely like to get things done as early as possible.  I would rather do work when I know that I have plenty of time to ask any questions than do it at the last minute.  I know that this is also the case for a lot of my friends as well.  We will try to work on homework together but end up spending most of the time on our phones or talking than actually getting any work done.

3 thoughts on “College Life Meme”

  1. I really enjoyed your meme. I feel as a college student I can also really relate to this. I always have this game plan that I am going to go to the library and grind out a bunch of work, but when it comes down to it, I usually end up scrolling through my instagram feed for sending snapchats to my friends that are sitting right across from me actually doing their work.

  2. This is me. I feel the need to do everything perfectly so I procrastinate. I’ll go from space to space trying to find the “perfect” area just to get there and do nothing.

  3. Every time I try to go to the reading room I always end up staying there a lot longer for an assignment I could do in an hour. Five hours later I’m walking back to my door with only half a paper done.

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