College Life Meme


“Back to school back to school.” Meme Generator. Accessed Jan. 2020.

I chose this image for the humor of it and the way it relates to my life when I came to college. When I came into school as a freshman I was 21 years old which can be quite a few years older than most incoming students. On the first day of class this meme depicts the way it felt for me in a humorous way. Although everyone around me was still a young adult, someone around me who was 18 or 19 felt like they were someone who was still in junior high. I felt out of place for a while and I’ll never forget the reactions of other students when I would tell them I was a 21 year old freshman. When they would hear my age the assumption was immediately that I was a senior who for some reason was in a freshman level class. I have always thought of this meme from Billy Madison as one that I can relate to and my first college experience.

One thought on “College Life Meme”

  1. I can relate to this meme too, Aaron, as when I came into Stevenson I was a 20 year old freshman and many of the people in my classes seemed far younger than I was.

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