Catch 22


Two people arguing back and forth
Two people argue about the “catch 22” of trying to find a job after college
u/TrevorX5J9. “R/Memes – We Want 5 Years of Professional Experience for This Entry Level Job.” Reddit, 3 Feb. 2019,
I picked  this meme because it did a great job of portraying how I felt when I started looking for jobs in my field now that I’m close to graduating. Almost every single entry level position requires years of experience. The only way to gain significant experience is by working unpaid internships. Unfortunately most of us can’t  pay bills working just internships. That leaves us with very little options on what to do after college. Either get a job that is not even remotely close to your field of study, or go all in and  go to graduate school, risk it all and just postpone the inevitable mountain of debt that you put yourself in because there was a time you believed life would be easy.

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