Viral Content Assignment

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“When professor asks how I slept before finals–great, I got a full 40 minutes.” Tumblr. Acessed January 26, 2020.


I relate to this meme and find it to be an incredibly accurate description of my college experience.  By the end of finals week, I am running on very little sleep.  I usually get more rest than my friends (who may actually only get forty minutes), but I do not function normally when I am lacking sleep.  The rather crazed look of Buddy in this meme is one of the common appearances due to a lack of sleep and running on an endless amount of caffeine.  The other look is an unequivocally exhausted student with dark as night bags under their eyes.  This is usually me.  My very few hours of sleep are always represented on my face, so when professors ask how the week is going, I think my face makes it obvious.  Though I may technically have more than forty minutes, it definitely feels like that is all I got.

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