First Day of Class

An annoyed facial expression when the professor asks you to "state your name, major, and a fun fact about yourself."
A meme that shows how many college students react when the professor tells the students to talk about themselves to the class.

“30 Funny College Memes.” Funny Memes Weird Funny Pictures, 22 Sept. 2019,

On the first day of most of my college classes, the professor will go around the room asking students to introduce themselves. This meme shows the typical facial expression students exhibit when the professor says, “Please state your name, major, and a fun fact about yourself.” I relate to this meme because I dread the usual first day of school icebreaker activities. These are nervewracking to me because I do not even know a fun fact about myself!Additionally, it becomes very redundant and annoying when you have to do this several times every semester. It is even worse when you have to do this for a class for your major because you usually know everyone in the class already. Although I understand professors want to get to know their students, I would be thrilled to never do another icebreaker ever again.

One thought on “First Day of Class”

  1. I definitely resonate with this meme. I absolutely hate doing icebreakers because they are so awkward. It’ll take me forever to think about something that is ‘interesting’ about myself that I think is pretty average. Maybe it’s just me, but if I’m in a class with no one that I know, I will be completely be content with not having to interact with any other student unless I have to.

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