Commuter Life

If teachers could send emails before leaving for class THAT'D BE GREAT–office-spaces-office-space-meme.jpg

“In My Case, before I Take a Bus and Get Stranded Downtown All Day for Nothing. | Humor, Hilarious, Funny Pictures.” Pinterest, Accessed 27 Jan. 2020.

I commute about thirty minutes to get to Stevenson and sometimes it is only for one class. I relate to this meme because this has happened to me several times throughout my college career. When I attended Howard Community College, also about thirty minutes from my home, I had a teacher email us ten minutes before class started that she was cancelling class. Last semester, I drove here for one class on Greenspring and the professor did not show up. Not only is it a big waste of time for me to drive here and back for nothing, it also eats up gas in my car. I feel like a lot of professors just assume that all students in their class live on campus. It was my choice to commute, but it still would be nice if more professors took that into consideration when planning or cancelling their classes.

One thought on “Commuter Life”

  1. I also relate to this meme. I am also a commuter traveling 30 minutes to school and this is the most irritating thing I have experienced. I once traveled 30 minutes to class for a professor to cancel class when the entire class was already sitting in class.

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