College Life Meme

“Every group project in school you have ever done.” Accessed Jan. 2020.

I chose this meme because it illustrates the roles that many in group work take on. Also, it embodies why I usually strongly dislike group school work. In college, I thought the group work scenarios would be different. . . But I was completely wrong. It actually got worse. Because we’re in college, professors expect a level of professionalism and feel it’s common sense for everyone in the group to collaborate together. They’re treating us like adults, but, those who slack off really slack off or don’t contribute at all. Every role described in the meme is exactly how it happens. One person does all the work and tries to facilitate tasks and rally everyone together, another person doesn’t pay attention in class to contribute anything valuable, the other person might have good intentions to contribute but doesn’t for some reason (perhaps they’re swamped with other work or are shy etc.), and the other just shows up at the end to receive the group points. Sadly, I’m the person who always ends up doing most of the work. I hope I experience a good and productive group work scenario one day.

One thought on “College Life Meme”

  1. I really relate to your post because like you, I am always the one who does all the work on group projects. For this reason, I hate when professors assign us group projects since I know I will be the only one putting in the effort. This meme is also dead accurate with all the roles of a group during a group project, which is why I hate group projects.

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