Final Assignment

The goal of your final project is to remix one story from Americanah into a digital publication. You should select one scene or narrative thread you find most compelling to translate into an interactive experience. In order to do this you need to deeply understand the main point of this story, the motivations of the characters, and the geography of the setting. Research will help inform your work.

This project will be split into four parts:

  1. A proposal
  2. A bibliography
  3. A written script
  4. An interactive story

  • This should be 350-400 words long, with a visual. Think of this as your pitch.
  • It should explain your inspiration – citing specific sections of the novel.
  • It should contain at least one outside source that provides critical analysis of the subject.
  • It should describe the platform (digital tool) and why you chose this medium.


  • Five to seven sources on your subject, including at least two scholarly sources from the library database, two popular media sources, and one literary analysis.
  • Each source should have a 250 word annotation that summarizes and evaluates the source.


  • Aim for a 3-5 minute experience, which translates to 2-3 pages of text.
  • This script can include dialogue, story description, narrative, and research.
  • This must be revised and edited carefully, including the correct spelling of characters and places. Must be in MLA format with citations.

Interactive Story

      • This can be a game, comic, map, VR/AR experience, or podcast.
      • This is the visual representation of your script.
      • Tools include:

I recommend working in groups of 2 or 3 students, and each group member should have clear responsibilities. You will have two weeks in class to work on this project. Each group must meet with me for a review of your project the week of May 6th.

You will post the pitch by class time on 4/22 with category “final” and tags “final” and “proposal.” You will post the final, including the script, a link/embedded interactive element, and the bibliography by midnight on 5/10 with category “final” and tag “final.”