Comparing Cybernetic Bodies

Using the article by Hayles as your guide, write a 5-7 paragraph blog post comparing the representation of cybernetic bodies in Stepford Wives, R.U.R, and Black Mirror. Make sure to pay particular attention to gender and labor roles, going back to the work of Haraway and Davis. This must include direct quotes in MLA format with in text citations.

This is worth 5% of your grade.

These posts will be graded on the following scale:

  • A = An engaging, thought-provoking post that shows attention to detail and comprehension of the text. Grammar and mechanics must be practically perfect (edit carefully!). Direct evidence from the text with a citation must be included.
  • B = An accurate summary and well-composed question that may contain a small, but not catastrophic, misreading or errors in grammar and mechanics.
  • C = A sloppy post that shows little effort and does not include the elements listed above.
  • D = A post that is a day late, or difficult to read, or phrased in a way that students would be unable to respond.
  • F = A post that is a week late, contains numerous errors, and does not contribute to the conversation. Or the post does not exist.