Questions for Brent

Do you think that a lot of other journalists will pick up on people’s desire to read longform type articles in the near future? Or will it be just a few?

Why do you think people began to gravitate towards shorter, less narrated type of articles in the first place if storytelling is integral in human interaction?

How hard was it for you to begin to talk about AI in a narrative sense at first?

Questions for Brent Simoneaux

  1. Do you feel like the use of multimodal platforms could be a key to “making brand journalism slow?”
  2. What aspects of working at Red-Hat shaped you as a journalist? What did you gain from being forced to make that shift in writing style and pace?
  3. What techniques have you found in fast brand journalism and slow brand journalism that make your writing more compelling?

Questions for Brent Simoneaux

  1. Do you think AI can ever surpass the human brain?
  2. Is there a point where using AI becomes unethical?
  3. In learning about the stories behind a brand, are readers more willing to accept that they’re being marketed to?

3 Questions for Brent Simoneaux

  1. Would you say that the job market for brand journalists is fairly fluid? That is, could you find work writing for other start-ups, websites or publications using the same skill set you’ve cultivated at Red Hat?
  2. Do you notice yourself writing differently for online publications than you would for physical ones? In terms of word choice and layout as well as length?
  3. Would you recommend that others try to get a job in the brand journalism field as well? Do you think it is still growing?

Questions for Brent Simoneaux

  1. You talk about writing not being to0 long even past a 1,000 words if the writing is well done, but is there a point where you feel enough is enough?
  2. What is your favorite type of article to read?
  3. What are your feelings on AI? Do you think it will help us in the long run or take over like Hollywood loves to show?
  4. How did you end up where you are today? Do you enjoy being a writer in the marketing field?

Questions for Brent

1.) Do you feel Brand Journalism is as honest as regular journalism? Meaning, do you feel that it tells more of a story or a life?

2.) How do you come up with the idea and format for each of your articles?

3.) Do you feel more journalist will gravitate towards your approach of Brand Journalism?