Asylum Seeker comic

I happen to have found this comic very interesting and appealing, as it gives a lot of emotion behind asylum seekers transporting to another country. Looking at this comic makes me feel very sorry for these asylum seekers, who look scared and nervous to go onto the boat to travel and start a new life.


Macfarlane, E. (13 February, 2014). The Medium and the message:comics about asylum seekers. Retrieved from


Asylum Seekers Image

Image result for asylum seekers

This image shows Asylum Seekers packed onto a pretty small boat, trying to reach asylum. This image is strong because it shows one of the many hardships refugees / asylum seekers have to face. Traveling with this many people on board a small ship like this is extremely dangerous. This is one of many dangerous things asylum seekers / refugees are willing to do for a better life.

Refugee and Asylum Seeker Video Games

For my visual representation post, I found two video games that show what it’s like to experience being in a refugee or asylum seeker’s shoes.

The first is Against All Odds which allows the user to start their experience as a refugee/ asylum seeker that is escaping their country. As you move throughout the game you have to make tough choices about abandoning friends or family, where to stay, who to trust, etc.

The second game is The Waiting Game. This game allows you to pick your narrative. There are a few stories to choose from including escaping an abusive gang member marriage,  being student protestors, facing religious prosecution, and experiencing racial discrimination. All of these experiences are based on people’s real-life stories and you get to witness what they went through first hand.