Level 2:Provocation

Wade is back into the real world after he was dumped by Art3mis, he starts to give us a view on what he do outside the OASIS. He orders his food online replacing his door with impenetrable airlock. He spray paint his apartment windows in order to keep the sunlight out. To keep him company he has Max who is a butler from his system software agent. In order for him to stay in shape and be able to fit into his haptic suit, he had to shave all his body hair including his eye brows. He workout out every morning since he was starting to gain weight, he would do sit-ups, crunches, and pushups. He only takes an hour each day of his morning to undergo his routine, the rest of the day he spends it on OASIS.

An example of impenetrable airlock, that is similar to the one that Wade talks about.

Would Wade ever go outside into his real world? Would he be able to adapt into the sunlight since he basically lives in the dark from his apartment? How is Wade able to afford all his supplies and food if he doesn’t go and work? where does the money come from?